The 4 Caetanos

The Way We Are!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's Been Awhile

I realized that it has been awhile and so much has happened and things are about to change. The 4 Caetanos have sold the house in Bellingham. We are going on an adventure to Alaska. We took the kids to Anchorage over Spring Break and we Bought a house and toured their soon to be new school. We will be moving out of the Bellingham house May 15th. The kids and I will remain in Bellingham until July. Terry will go to Anchorage in May to start work. Adventure is all I can say!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It has been awhile! 2yrs! I was actually thinking last week about the blog and thinking that once you move, you should get back at it. A good way to share with us what's going on & pics & such. :) ~apryl
