The 4 Caetanos

The Way We Are!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Working For A Livin'

After last year and the hellish time I had teaching Promise K I thought I would take this year off, get to know Anchorage, get settled and volunteer at the kids' school. Well, I am working full time for the school district. The Principal's assistant at the kids school asked me to sign up with the district so I could work there. I spent a whole day filling out papers, filling out applications online, getting a background check and fingerprinted. Now, in the state of AK you have to apply to the state for a AK teaching certificate even if you have on in another state. I turned in all my stuff to the district and was told that for classified it would be two weeks before I could sub and for certified I would need to turn paperwork into state and that this time of year they are super busy, so it would take awhile. That was last Friday. I started working on Tuesday and was approved to sub certified as of Thursday (without the paperwork even turned in). I am waiting for WWU to send my transcripts. I am working in an inclusion 3rd grade and I love it. I was hired to work one-on-one with a boy whom is losing his sight, but I help with small groups and others in the class. The job is only until the 18th of September, but who knows what they will ask me to do next.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Sxhool is going well. Reece's class is down to 27 students. I started today in 3rd grade. For now it is 6 hours per day. I am one-on-one with a student whom is losing his sight.  He is very cute and nice. He was born with a lot of health issues but is smart. We will see how long the job lasts. It is good for me to see how my kids school is run, plus I get to see them.
Took Reece to a gymnastics gym today. She had to go to a beginner's class and the teacher told her after class to sign up for the advance class. Of course it is Monday nights 6:30-8:30, which Terry was not happy about because of Monday night football. I am not sure why it bothers him, he won't be dropping off or picking up!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Fire Marshal Bill

 Just a reminder to the district about the Fire Marshal report and bam.... Class size down to 27 students.  Now, figuring out gymnastics for Reece and a fall sport for Fredy.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

1st Day at The Bay

The Caetano children have soared from Silver Hawks to Golden Eagles!  Wednesday was their first day of school at Bayshore.  Both were nervous as well as their mother. Mrs. Jones (2nd) and Mrs. McSheehy (5th) are both new teachers to Bayshore. Both kids came running out to me after school with smiles on their faces. Fredy said his day was Awesome!  Reece wanted me to write down my phone number for a girl she meet in her class.  She had a hard time remembering her name but talked about her all afternoon.    Fredy talked about the girls he sat by and the naughty kids in class.  When asked about his teacher, he said she was fine.  When I asked Reece about her teacher, she replied, "She ain't no Beckly Walstad, but she is ok."  That gave me a huge laugh!

 I am a little unease about Reece's class size (33). When I took her to her class and the kids settled down in their seats, there was no room to move.  She came home with most of her school supplies that I had to buy because they have no room to store them.  The 5th graders are at tables not desks.  I put in a call to the Superindentent of Elementary and heard right back from her. She only knew my first name and I asked to see the report from the Fire Marshall about the safety of that classroom with all those kids, tables and chairs.  The classroom was a regular size room. She stated that was not done and to talk to the principal about my concerns.  Can't wait to hear what happened today, because I heard gossip when I dropped them off.....a second split class 5/6.

As for me, I worked on cleaning the floors in this house.  I am talking with the builder about the shape of the floors...maybe new floors in the works!  I washed a mess of laundry and did a little retail therapy buying a runner for the front entry.  Now looking for a large framed mirror for entry and a new dinning table with chairs. 

I am off to make calls to find doctors and an orthodonist before 3:30.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Alaska Here We Come

The house is unpacked and all put away. We have had a few adventures so far. Two weekends spent in Seward meeting up with people from Bellingham, hiking to a glacier, visiting a dog sled team and Terry going out on a fishing charter with work crew.  We have met some neighbors, most of whom do not have young children.  We have been to the zoo, sealife center and the wildlife conservation center.  Many moose have traveled through our neighborhood.
There is a lot of construction going on in our hood, so lots of dust. I have finished digging out sod and putting in new flowerbeds, which will have flowers and plants in them in the spring.  Waiting to hear back from the builder about adding on to the deck. Weather had been rainy lately and it is now getting dark at night, quickly.
We have found a church and signed Fredy up for Faith Formation so he can receive 1st Communion in February.  He is not looking forward to it but he will once it starts.
Reece is just wanting to make friends and play. I will say that she has read a lot this summer. We discovered a huge used book store in town which she loves to visit.
Terry is liking his job, but it is a bit slow right now.  Wish we could find a babysitter and have an evening with just the two of us. All in time, I keep telling myself.  Football season is among us, so he will be too busy for a date.
We have landed!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's Been Awhile

I realized that it has been awhile and so much has happened and things are about to change. The 4 Caetanos have sold the house in Bellingham. We are going on an adventure to Alaska. We took the kids to Anchorage over Spring Break and we Bought a house and toured their soon to be new school. We will be moving out of the Bellingham house May 15th. The kids and I will remain in Bellingham until July. Terry will go to Anchorage in May to start work. Adventure is all I can say!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tulips Part 2

2012 Andrew, Peter, Fredy and Reece

2013 Peter, Andrew, Reece and Fredy

Can you tell who has been eating their veggies and protein?

Tip of the day: Let your voice be heard but in a nonthreatening way.